Wednesday 1 May 2013

V is for Valentino

When we usually hear "Valentino" we think of the amazing, impressive red dresses which the iconic designer is most known for. However, in the shadow of its grand designs, this Italian fashion house also manages to pay attention to the smaller details that make up a great outfit; accessories-namely jewellery. These beautiful leather cuffs are an essential fashion accessory for anyone who needs a bit of Valentino in their life and isn't afraid to splurge. Remember the secret is in the details!

Valentino to dom mody o nieskazitelnej reputacji w swiecie mody. Zazwyczaj gdy slyszymy o "Valentino", przypominaja nam sie bogate, czerowone suknie, jednak dom mody Valentino, nie zapomina o detalach ktore znaczaco i dramatycznie moga zmienic kompozycje zestawu. Zaprezentowane powyzej skorzane branzolety Valentino sa niezbedne dla kazdego kto chcialby nosic na sobie element tego domu mody i nie chce stracic majatku. Pamietajcie, sekret tkwi w szczegolach!


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